Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hummingbird Feeder and Food

I just got into bird feeders this summer – I’m trying not to go nuts and keep it to a few. So far I have a suet, thistle and hummingbird feeder.

The suet feeder works great – its just a simple square cage one and most birds love it. The thistle does well – it took about a week or two before the first birds ate from it but now there are almost always yellow finches feasting. I love the bright yellow birds in my yard- I think they match my garden so they are the perfect bird to have.

The hummingbird feeder
The first one I bought was no good at all. No one ate from it. The “food” or whatever you call it got moldy and gross. I showed it to my dad and he said to throw it away and that kind never works. When I asked why they even sell that style in the store he said “cuz those people who make feeders don’t know shi*t about feedin’ birds”. Apparently there are feeders at the store designed by people who just sit in their house and have never seen a bird before. I think that is a bunch of crap-all feeders should be tested first. Well, not really, but how is a person supposed to know what style feeder to get when there are about 15 different kinds of one type bird feeder?!?!?

So this is the style I ended up getting. My dad said it will be much better—and it was! I see hummingbirds all the time now. I love those little birds – they are so cute and funny looking.

Food for hummingbirds:

First, you do not need to buy anything they sell in the store. Second, hummingbird food consists of just water and sugar and cannot be easier to make.

Boil one cup of water, stir in one cup of sugar.Once dissolved completely stir in two cups cold water. Done.

Fill feeder only about half way and then keep the rest in the fridge. Sometimes with the hot summer weather the food might get icky so you’ll need to pour it out, wash the feeder and fill again. So, if you only fill half the feeder the food will go faster and you can fill with fresh food more frequent and not have to wash it out as often.


PS- I tried to get a pic of a hummingbird at my feeder but just couldn't catch them. Sorry!

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